
Australian baby cot
Details are introduced

Moms, do you know the importance of baby sleep? Love comes from the mother's care.


Baby health starts from sleep, and good sleep needs a good bed to accompany.


Kids baby cot toddler bed is a pine, pure wood manufacturing, green paint, green and healthy. The high bed designed for kindergarten children, divided into two layers, kids baby cot side guardrail can be placed down, easy to hold the child. Items can be stored below children clothes. Around with anti bite, prevent baby bump caused by adverse reactions, can protect the bed rails are not saliva decay. Equipped with universal skid bed erosion mute casters, caster brake switch, four wheel brake crib more stable security.


Kids baby cot balustrade gap width 5.5 cm, with international standards. To prevent the child caught head foot accidents.


Double corrugated packing box to prevent transportation bumps.